Minimum wage to increase

The minimum wage in Israel  (currently at 4,300 sh per month or 23.12 sh per hour) is being updated in three stages, according to an agreement signed by the General worker’s union (Histadrut klalit) and the Presidency of the Business Organizations in Israel. This will be voted into the book of labor laws by the knesset soon.

The changes are:

per month per hour
From 4/2015 – 4,650 sh 25 sh

From 8/2016 – 4,825 sh 25.94 sh

From 1/2017 – 5,000 sh 26.88 sh

From 4/2017 onwards – 52% of the average salary (but no less than 5,000 sh) to be updated quarterly (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct) of each year.

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