Updated Min. wage for youth – Apr 2015

On April 1, 2015 the minimum wage in Israel was updated. This has implications on min. wage for youth, as well.

The new rates are as follows:

Age                               Monthly Rate            Hourly Rate    

up to 16                        3,255 sh                                18.81 sh

up to 17                        3,487.50 sh                           20.15 sh

up to 18                        3,859.50 sh                          22.30 sh

18 +                               4,650 sh                               25 sh


There are other restrictions that apply to youth employment, such as max. number of hours pre day and per week, disallowing overtime and night work.


Announcing “Employee’s Rights Handbook” book launch and lectures

Book launch and lecture will be held:

In Jerusalem: on May 19th, 2015  19:00  at AACI Jerusalem, The Glassman family center Pierre Keonig st. corner of 2 Poalei Tzedek st., 4th floor (opposite Hadar mall)

In Tel-Aviv: on June 17th, 2015 16:00 at AACI Tel-Aviv, 94 A Allenby st.


The “Employee’s Rights Handbook”

The first comprehensive, English language guide to Israeli payroll.
Whether  you are an employer or an employee, a new oleh or an English speaker who has trouble with the Hebrew terms, this publication is for you!



Understand the terminology, layout and Hebrew on your payslip

Know your rights

Understand the labor laws

What needs to be itemized on the payslip?

What are the things you need to know upon termination?

How many vacation days are you entitled to?

Is Purim a paid holiday?

What are the rights of a pregnant employee?



Do your payslips comply with all the new regulations?

Do you issue employees “notification of terms of employment” as required?

Are employees given a fair hearing prior to termination?

Understand what obligatory payments exist in Israel

What is allowed to be deducted from an employee’s salary

Are you aware of penalties for infringement on regulations and labor laws? (avoid this by knowing what needs to be done)


In this guide you will find:
* An overview of labor laws, regulations, expanded regulation orders, collective
agreements and statutes

* The make-up of the Israeli payslip

* Social Security

* Health Insurance
* Income tax

* Holiday pay, sick day payment, vacation, overtime payment, bereavement leave,
maternity leave

* Minimum wage

* Youth employment
* Advance notice                       And much more!


A must for employers and employees alike. Get your copy today! This 107 page publication in hard-copy is not available in stores, on-line orders:



Tax benefits for 2015 for industry shift work and residence in national preference areas extended

The tax benefits awarded to salaried employees who work shifts in the manufacturing industry, as well as the credit for living in certain areas defined as national preference have been extended from June 30, 2015 until the end of the tax year, December 31, 2015.


Announcing the release date for Employee’s Rights Handbook !!!!

Finally, the long awaited Employee’s Rights Book is to be released in Hard copy. The release date is Sunday March 15, 2015

At present, this is the only format. There may be a PDF purchase option at a later date.

The book is 107 pages of vital information for employers, employees and anyone interested in Employee’s rights, labor laws and the makeup of payroll in Israel.

Announcing the first and only English language guide in simple easy to understand language !!!

The Book also contains a dictionary of common Hebrew payroll terms and their English translation, examples of payroll forms, useful contact information, tips and more.

Get your copy today,  and know your rights !

price: 100 sh (including mailing). Optional self-pickup in Jerusalem (85 sh).
Payment via credit card or paypal, use this link:

<a href=”http://www.vcita.com/v/israpay/make_payment?pay_for=Employee’s%20Rights%20Handbook&amount=100″ target=”blank”>pay</a>

or follow the schedule an appointment on the left hand side of the home page of this site.
If you encounter a scheduling error notice, send the following details:
(Name, mailing address, email address, phone/cell number. If you wish that the invoice be made out to a different name than the one you supplied, please state)
to moshe.israpay@gmail.com and An invoice will be emailed to you. When you open the invoice you will have the ability to pay.

Check payments option:  send a check made payable to Moshe Egel-Tal along with the above info to

P.O. Box 44429
Jerusalem 9144302





Tax break package for new immigrants and returning residents

The main benefits for new immigrants and returning residents who became citizens since January 1st 2007 and onwards are as follows:

 10 years exemption from tax paying on foreign-source income (i.e., income derived outside of Israel).

 10 years exemption from declaring on foreign-source income which are exempted.

 10 years exclusion from definition as an Israeli company resident – for a company established abroad and owned by an “Oleh” or a “Senior Returning Resident”.

 Option to be considered a foreign resident for taxation purposes, for one year from arrival.

 3.5 years of entitlement to tax credit, with options of extension.

Who is entitled to the tax benefits?

 “Oleh” – New immigrant.

 “Senior Returning Resident” – Individuals who returned to Israel after they lived continuously outside of Israel, and returned to Israel not sooner than 10 years after having ceased to be a resident of Israel. Those individuals will be considered as “Oleh”.

 One-time measure – Individuals who returned to Israel during the years 2007– 2009 are considered as “Senior Returning Resident” even if lived continuously outside of Israel for at least 5 years (instead of 10 years).

Income entitled to tax benefits:

 Passive income – 10 year exemption on dividends, interest, rent, royalties and pensions generated by assets held overseas.

 Capital gain – 10 year exemption on capital gain from the alienation of assets located abroad. Extended to assets located abroad acquired after becoming Israeli resident.

 Business income – 10 year exemption on business income generated by assets held overseas.

 Vocational and labor income – 10 year exemption on salaries and income from activities of independent nature, generated abroad. Applies to business and occupation acquired or started before or after becoming an Israeli resident. Optional track for adapting: A one-year period of adjustment from the date of arrival in Israel is granted upon request, which enables the individual to choose not to be considered as an Israeli resident for tax purposes during this one-year period.
The request for the adjustment year must be submitted within 90 days from the date of arrival in Israel.

Foreign companies held and owned by “Olim” and Senior returning residents: A company established abroad and owned by an “Oleh” or a “Senior Returning Resident”, will not be considered as an Israeli company for taxation purposes for a period of 10 years, and thus will be exempt from taxes in Israel during this period on foreignsource income (i.e., income derived outside of Israel).

Tax credits: All Israeli residents are entitled to 2 credit points (reduction of NIS 436 per month from the tax liability), as well as 0.25 additional points for a working man and 0.75 points for a working woman, which are not taxed.

Working Olim (salaried employees- ME) are entitled to additional points on top of that, for a period of three and a half years following their Aliyah. This benefit may be extended whilst carrying out compulsory army service and whilst studying at university or college. Apply for this benefit by filling out the relevant sections of form 101 (filled out upon start of employment and at the beginning of every year through your employer) and attaching a photocopy of your teudat oleh to the 101 form. the extra tax credit points for olim are as follows:

 For the first 18 months – 4.5 additional credit points (reduction of NIS 654 per month or NIS 11,772 for the first 18 months)

 For the following 12 months – 2 additional credit points (reduction of NIS 436 per month or 5232 annually)

 For the following 12 months – 1 additional credit points (reduction of NIS 218 per month or NIS 2616 annually) Additional reductions are available for parents of young children, working mothers, discharged soldiers and many other reasons

Change in Bituach Leumi law 1.1.2015

Correction 159 of the Bituach Leumi law goes into effect on January 1, 2015.

According to this correction, Bituach Leumi will no longer be able to demand payment of Bituach Leumi (social security) and Bituach Briut (health insurance) if more than 7 years have passed since their first demand of payment. After this period, the Bituach money shall not be collected, nor shall it have any effect on any rights to a stipend or benefit, if the following two conditions have been met:

1. No additional demand of payment notification was sent during the period of 7 years since the first notice.

2. Said notification in #1 above was sent, however no collection procedures or offsetting of the due amount from stipends or benefits paid were taken.

There are specifics reagrding payments due on January 1, 2015 that a period of 7 years has not elapsed yet, and with certain payments due that allows Bituach Leumi to collect up to June 30, 2016 if 16 years have not yet passed.






























self employed v.a.t. exemption ceiling for 2015

The Israel Tax Authority has announced that the ceiling for exempt income from v.a.t. for self employed individuals who are registered as osek patur in 2015 will remain 79,482 sh.

If you go over the ceiling at any point during the year on your accumulated annual income, you should contact you C.P.A. or tax advisor immediately.

Employer’s Social Security contributions to rise from January 2015

The employer’s contribution towards Social Security (Bituach Leumi), on the higher bracket, has been raised from 6.75% (Dec 2014) to 7.25%, for employees age 18 to retirement age, starting in January 2015.

A raise of 0.5%.

The employee’s contribution remains without change.

Minimum wage to increase

The minimum wage in Israel  (currently at 4,300 sh per month or 23.12 sh per hour) is being updated in three stages, according to an agreement signed by the General worker’s union (Histadrut klalit) and the Presidency of the Business Organizations in Israel. This will be voted into the book of labor laws by the knesset soon.

The changes are:

per month per hour
From 4/2015 – 4,650 sh 25 sh

From 8/2016 – 4,825 sh 25.94 sh

From 1/2017 – 5,000 sh 26.88 sh

From 4/2017 onwards – 52% of the average salary (but no less than 5,000 sh) to be updated quarterly (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct) of each year.

bankrupt cartoon

New tax Brackets for 2015

The new tax brackets for 2015

Bracket                      Gross pay               Accumulated tax
Ceiling for 10%          5,270                               527
Ceiling for 14%          9,000                            1,049
Ceiling for 21%         13,990                           2,097
Ceiling for 31%         19,980                           3,954
Ceiling for 34%         41,790                         11,369
Ceiling for 48%         67,560                         23,739
Every additional shekel 50%

Employer’s expense to rise over next 3 years !

Change in Employer’s contribution to Social Security


As part of “the law to reduce the national deficit and change in the burden of taxes”, which was published today – August 13, 2012, a raise in the employer’s contribution towards Social Security has been authorized for the next 3 years, as follows:

From the higher level (on the part of salary over 60% of the average wage)

In 2013 – 6.5%

In 2014 – 7%

In 2015 – 7.5%


The current rate in 2012 is 5.9%.

This does not include employees who are pension-age, receiving a old-age stipend from Social Security or foreign workers or employees under age 18.