Youth minimum wages – Jan 2017

Due to the mandatory raise in minimum wages in Israel, the minimum wages for youth was also updated.

up to age 16 = 3,500 sh for a monthly wage or 20.23 sh /per hour.

up to age 17 = 3,750 sh for a monthly wage or 21.68 sh /per hour.

up to age 18 = 4,150 sh for a monthly wage or 23.99 sh /per hour.

In addition, for full time, the work week for youth is 40 hours and 173 hours per month. For partial work (not full time – prorated accordingly)

All youth need to be given an employer’s notification of terms and work conditions within 7 days of their start date and monthly payslips and timesheets, same as adult employees.

The Israeli Pay Slip – An In-depth Explanation for The Perplexed

As with most things, payroll is much more complicated in Israel than in other countries. In January 2009 a new law was passed to ensure uniform mandatory information that must be specified on all pay slips.

The purpose of this article is to familiarize you with the terminology and help you understand what is printed on your pay slip. For those of you working, it is highly advised to examine your pay slip each month in order to ensure that there are no mistakes. Understanding what was paid/deducted from your pay is critical and to your benefit.

Continue reading “The Israeli Pay Slip – An In-depth Explanation for The Perplexed”

Self-employed reserve army soldiers to receive more compensation

Self-employed individuals who are called up for reserve army duty in the IDF will be getting 25% more than they did up until now. The Knesset approved this update to the law on June 27, 2017 and it will be effective from Jan 2017.

IDF soldiers in action

Everything you wanted to know about Financial sanctions to employers

dollar stacks

The second addition of the Increasement of regulation law empowers the Ministry of Economics, Department of regulation of labor laws to impose financial sanctions on employers who are found in violation of labor laws, such as minimum wage, sexual harassment, failure to supply an employee with notification of terms of employment, etc.
The infringements are divided into three categories of financial sanctions with a distinction made between an employer who is not a business and a business:

Level Business Non-Business
level one ₪5,110 ₪2,550
level two ₪20,420 ₪10,210
level three ₪35,740 ₪17,870

A complete list of the infractions and which level they are assigned to is on the Ministry’s website:

The Ministry of economics can file a suit against the employer in court, which if convicted, is a criminal offense! The names and details of the employers who were fined are listed on the Ministry of Economics website.
To help avoid these situations it is recommended to consult with a payroll expert like Israpay who can help employers fine-tune their payroll practices, payslips, etc according to the law. Get in touch today !

Before you apply for a job – must read !!!!

You decide to apply for a job, or better yet, you applied and were invited to an job interview. Wait a second, not so fast !!!
The Ministry of Labor and social affairs within the Ministry of Economics has a list of employers that you are not going to want to miss reading prior to applying for a job with one of them.
This list is a list of offenders of labor laws that were fined by the department of regulation, who do spot checks on employers as well as acting on tips and complaints from the general public.
The full list can be seen here:

Tax credit point update (Kachlon law) June 2017

The Israel Tax Authority published a new directive to employers on May 28, 2017 regarding tax credit points to parents of children who are salaried employees via their payslip.
1. The number of tax credit points will now be equal for men and women. All parents are now eligible for 1.5 tax credit points in the year their child is born and 2.5 tax credit points in the years the child is age 1 to age 5.
2. This directive is effective for the tax years 2017 and 2018 only (from Jan 2019 it is cancelled, unless an extension is approved by the government).
3. Effective in June 2017 salary (to be paid by July 9, 2107), employers will credit their employees to whom this applies with the additional tax credit points, retroactive to January 2017.
For women: In the year the child is born you will receive 1.5 tax credit points (instead of 0.5 up until now) and in the years the child’s age is 1-5 you will get 2.5 tax credit points (instead of 2 up until now). You can elect to defer 1 tax credit point of the 1.5 allotted for each child to the following tax year (2018). This is done by filling out a 116 D tax form and giving it to your employer (HR or salary dept). You will need to also fill out this form in 2018 (section dalet).
Men do not have this option of deferring tax credit points.
For men: In the year the child is born you will receive 1.5 tax credit points (instead of 1 up until now). In the years the child’s age is 1-2 you will receive 2.5 tax credit points (instead of 2 up until now) and in the year the child’s age is 3 you will receive 2.5 tax credit points (instead of 1 up until now) and in the years the child’s age is 4-5 you will receive 2.5 tax credit points (instead of none up until now).
This will lower taxes on working parents salaries and raise their net pay. The tax credit points are monthly.
Employers: you need to keep this form 116 D with the employee’s 101 tax form.

July 2016 updates

Effective in July 2016’s payroll there will come into effect several changes in labor laws:
1.  Mandatory pension law

Correction 12 to this law was updated, adding 1% to employee and employer pension plan contributions in a two step update: 1/2% in July 2016 and another 1/2% in jan 2017.
The current update (July 2016) % are now Employee 5.75% and Employer 6%.
This effects all employers in Israel in all sectors by way of a comprehensive ordinance signed by the Minister of Economy. The only exceptions are if the exsisting % are higher (due to a collective agreement or personal contract) or if an employee has a Bituach Menahalim plan or pension plan with lower rates but the employer contributes to a loss of work ability insurance (IWA), whereas the joint % of the Bituach Menahalim and lWA insurance is equal to or higher than 6%. In this case, only the employee’s contribution will increase, as the employer is already contributing at the new % or more.
For comparison, here is a breakdown of pre-change and after:


payroll Employee contribution Employer contribution Severance pay (employer) Total
Jan 2016 5.5%    6% 6% 17.5%
Jul 2016  5.75%  6.25% 6% 18%
Jan 2017  6%  6.5%   6% 18.5%


2. Vacation day law
The minimum number of mandatory Annual vacation days allotted is to increase by 2 days starting July 1,2016 (In essence 1 day for 2016 as it for half a year) for the first 5 years of tenure with the same employer. Above 6 years there is no change.

tenure                                      # of days allotted

up to June 30, 2016                                                         1 – 4 years                                              14 days
5  years                                               16 days

From July 1, 2016 – Dec 31,2016                                1 -4 years                                                15 days
5 years                                                 16 days

From Jan 1, 2017                                                                1- 5 years                                               16 days

Note: The number of days listed are calendar days, not work days and as such they include the weekly rest day (Shabbat) which is not a vacation day. For example employees who worked a 5 day work week got 10 days for the first 4 years (.083 days per month * 12) and those who worked a 6 day work week got 12 days for the first 4 years (1 day per month * 12).

This is very general, there are other factors that go into what employees receive in actuality, such as full or part-time, if an employee worked at least 200 or 240 days total during the year. In any case the wording of the law is binding, even if difficult to comprehend and this article is not legal advice. In instances where a personal contract or sectorial/ collective agreement entitles employees to more vacation days than listed above, this update does not apply.

3. Minimum wage update

Effective July 1st 2016 the third step of the gradual update of the min. wage to 5,000 sh per month comes into effect. The new minimum wage starting in July 2016 will be 4,825 sh  for a full time monthly rated position.

The new minimum hourly rate is 25.94 sh

Youth min wage rates

Age % of min wage min monthly rate (40 weekly hours) Min Hourly rate
עד 16 70% 3,377.5  19.52 
עד 17 75% 3,618.75  20.92 
עד 18 83% 4004.75  23.15 
Apprentice 60% 2,895.00  16.73 


Employee’s Rights Handbook

The “Employee’s Rights Handbook”

The first comprehensive, English language guide to Israeli payroll.
Whether  you are an employer or an employee, a new oleh or an English speaker who has trouble with the Hebrew terms, this publication is for you!



Understand the terminology, layout and the Hebrew terms on your payslip

Know your rights

Understand the labor laws

What mandatory things need to be itemized on the payslip?

What are the things you need to know upon termination?

How many vacation days are you entitled to?

Is Purim a paid holiday?

What are the rights of a pregnant employee?



Do your payslips comply with all the new regulations?

Do you issue employees “notification of terms of employment” as required?

Are employees given a fair hearing prior to termination?

Understand what obligatory payments exist in Israel

What is allowed to be deducted from an employee’s salary?

Is an employee who is on maternity leave allowed to work from home?

Must I pay travel expenses to all employees?

What can and cannot be deducted from an employer’s salary?

Are you aware of penalties for infringement on regulations and labor laws? (avoid this by knowing what needs to be done)


In this guide you will find:
* An overview of labor laws, regulations, expanded regulation orders, collective
agreements and statutes

* The make-up of the Israeli payslip

* Social Security

* Health Insurance
* Income tax

* Holiday pay, sick day payment, vacation, overtime payment, bereavement leave,
maternity leave

* Minimum wage

* Youth employment
* Advance notice

  • Tips             And much more!


A must for employers and employees alike. Get your copy today! This 107 page publication in hard-copy is not available in stores OR Anywhere else, get your copy today !

Price: 100 sh

For orders please go to: Order Here and fill out your details. You will receive an E-invoice for payment after which your book will be mailed to you. Self pickup is available in Jerusalem: Please state if you are interested in this option.Employee's Rights Handbook

העסקת בני נוער – עדכון 2015

בהתקרב חופשת הקיץ, רבים מבני הנוער מחפשים תעסוקה בעבודות שונות כדי להרוויח כסף. חשוב מאד וגם כדאי, לבני הנוער והוריהם לדעת את זכויותיהם של בני הנוער בכל מה שקשור להעסקתם.

1. שכר מינימום
שכר המינימום התעדכן בחודש 4/2015 ועם העדכון, התעדכן גם שכר המינימום לנוער, כדלקמן;
עד גיל 16   18.81 ש”ח לשעה
עד גיל 17   20.15 ש”ח לשעה
עד גיל 18    22.30 ש”ח לשעה

מגיל 18 למעלה שכר מינ. הוא 25 ש”ח לשעה

2. גיל מותר להעסקה בחופש – מגיל 14 ומעלה.
3. מותר להעסיק נוער עד 8 שעות ביום ולא שעות נוספות. (ביום שישי 7 שעות).
4. ביום עבודה העולה על 6 שעות,  ינתן 3/4 שעה הפסקות, מתוכם חצי שעה רצופה להפסקת צהריים.
5. נער/ה זכאי, במהלך יום בעבודתו, להפסיק את עבודתו לשם שימוש בחדר שירותים, בהתאם לצרכיו, וזמן זה הוא חלק משעות עבודתו. (אין להחתים כרטיס)
6. עבודת לילה, שעות נוספות וביום המנוחה השבועית אסורים.
7. אין ניכוי ביטוח לאומי או ביטוח בריאות למי שטרם מלאו לו 18 שנה.
8. המעסיק מחוייב על פי חוק למסור לנער/ה הודעה בכתב על תנאי עבודתו, תוך 7 ימים מתאריך תחילת עבודתו אצל המעסיק. (כמו לכל עובד).
9. המעסיק מחוייב לשלם הוצ. נסיעה בתחבורה ציבורית אל וממקום העבודה לרכיב זה יפורט בתלוש השכר.
10. תלוש שכר ודוח שעות יימסר לעובד מידי חודש.
11. בתום שבוע העבודה תהיה מנוחה של 36 שעות רצופות (כולל שבת) עד ליום עבודה הבא.
12. בתום יום עבודה תהיה מנוחה של לפחות 8 שעות עד ליום עבודה הבא.

הבהרה לגבי עבודת לילה –
עד גיל 16 = משעה 20:00
מגיל 16 = שעה 22:00 ו ניתן במקרים מסויימים לקבל אישור ממשרד הכלכלה עד שעה 23:00 לכל היותר. המעסיק צריך לבקש את האישור בכתב.

אל תתנו יד למעסיקים שאינם מכבדים את החוק. במידה וישנם הפרות של החוק ניתן לפנות בתלונה ליחידת האכיפה במשרד הכלכלה 1800-354-354.

כמו-כן, מסתובבים פקחים מטעם היחידה ומבצעים בדיקות פתע בבתי עסק למקומות עבודה של במי נוער.

קיץ בריא

Announcing “Employee’s Rights Handbook” book launch and lectures

Book launch and lecture will be held:

In Jerusalem: on May 19th, 2015  19:00  at AACI Jerusalem, The Glassman family center Pierre Keonig st. corner of 2 Poalei Tzedek st., 4th floor (opposite Hadar mall)

In Tel-Aviv: on June 17th, 2015 16:00 at AACI Tel-Aviv, 94 A Allenby st.


The “Employee’s Rights Handbook”

The first comprehensive, English language guide to Israeli payroll.
Whether  you are an employer or an employee, a new oleh or an English speaker who has trouble with the Hebrew terms, this publication is for you!



Understand the terminology, layout and Hebrew on your payslip

Know your rights

Understand the labor laws

What needs to be itemized on the payslip?

What are the things you need to know upon termination?

How many vacation days are you entitled to?

Is Purim a paid holiday?

What are the rights of a pregnant employee?



Do your payslips comply with all the new regulations?

Do you issue employees “notification of terms of employment” as required?

Are employees given a fair hearing prior to termination?

Understand what obligatory payments exist in Israel

What is allowed to be deducted from an employee’s salary

Are you aware of penalties for infringement on regulations and labor laws? (avoid this by knowing what needs to be done)


In this guide you will find:
* An overview of labor laws, regulations, expanded regulation orders, collective
agreements and statutes

* The make-up of the Israeli payslip

* Social Security

* Health Insurance
* Income tax

* Holiday pay, sick day payment, vacation, overtime payment, bereavement leave,
maternity leave

* Minimum wage

* Youth employment
* Advance notice                       And much more!


A must for employers and employees alike. Get your copy today! This 107 page publication in hard-copy is not available in stores, on-line orders:

Tax benefits for 2015 for industry shift work and residence in national preference areas extended

The tax benefits awarded to salaried employees who work shifts in the manufacturing industry, as well as the credit for living in certain areas defined as national preference have been extended from June 30, 2015 until the end of the tax year, December 31, 2015.